Sunday, October 10, 2010

Starting The New School Year 10-11

Boy it feels like I have not been on here in FOREVER!!!!

What has been going on with us?

Well all 3 kids have started school!

Jesse started Middle School (6th grade)!!!! Big step for him (and me), he is going to the same middle school I started in the middle of 6th grade when my family first moved here. He seems to like it most of the time but it can be hard and frustrating at times.... and well you get a lot more homework to do with all the classes you have to remember.... and getting a locker for the first time.... and there is the fact that you have to get up earlier!!! (getting up earlier is the hardest for me!) And we also got hit in the car pool line by a truck that did not even stop or seem to notice it bumped me, yes it was the big truck fault for trying to squeeze by a van! Hello I was there first!!!!! I get to line way early so I can be up front on purpose so I can be out sooner!!! But back on Jesse, he LOVES coming home an hour and half before his brother comes through the door, it's like a breath of fresh air, no one picking a fight with him, no one telling him what to do, just an hour and half of freedom!!!!

Cole started 3rd and got a teacher that is new to the school but is in her 4th year of teaching I believe. She seems very sweet but has picked up on thing I have been noticing for a while, like that he is still writing his 'b's and 'd's, 'p's and 'q's, '2's and 's's. So I am so pushing for him to get evaluated through the school if we can if not I will have to look for someone that is hopefully some what covered by our insurance but hopefully we can get it done soon!!!! I need all the help I can get with him, he is a challenging child to rase!!! But he seems to like the year so far, he has some of his old friends in his class which is always nice! He has signed up to help in the library (hoping that it will get him reading more being around all the books) and he has signed up for the Scrabble Club (that one I am hoping it will help w/ spelling and sportsmanship, loosing w/ some grace, can't always be a winner.... and so on, lol)!!!

Lila has started her first year of PRESCHOOL!!!!!!!! She is doing 3 day 3's going Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!!! She has a blast playing with her new friends, arts and crafts (the school a lot, she comes home w/ something almost every day!!!), playing on the new playground (new to her), and making snacks like mud pudding cups w/ gummy worms!!! Lol =) New to me is that she eats lunch there, the boys preschool did not do lunch at school. The hard part is now I have to make 3 lunches in the morning! I think she LOVES going, even though her mommy gets very lonely at home w/out her!!!

The HARDEST part about all 3 of them going to school now is that they are all going to 3 different school and I am driving them at 3 different times in the morning and after noon!!! So right now it feeling a lot like I am living in the car! I not going to push my kids on to the busses (I road them most of my school years) but this is getting hard and the gas I am using!!!! My car seems to be on empty every other day (really a full tank is lasting about week)!!! But if it makes my kids happy and it's one less thing they have to stress about I will be there to pick them up on time (really it's always early but they don't see me till they are out) every day!!!!


1 comment:

  1. See if they will ride the bus 2-3 days a week. Maybe if they ride it in the morning, you pick them up in the afternoon or vice versa. And, since 3rd grade, my kids have been putting their lunches (all but the sandwich) together the night before school and the entire lunchbox goes in the fridge. There is a list on the fridge that says:
    Drink - then lists choices
    Snack - lists choices (cookies, chips, etc)
    Healthy thing - list choices (yogurt, fruit, etc)
    They put one of each in each day and then I make a sandwich in the morning and done.


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