Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nail and Open House

So life is just going to get tougher for now.... I stepped on a nail last night!!! But I did get lucky it just broke the skin and did not go in very deep!!! So.... Today I went to the doctor to get my tetanus shot plus I also had to get my hubby an appointment so that they could look at a skin infection on him! So that was our morning, so much fun!!! Then it was the pharmacy to pick up antibiotics for both of us, next it was lunch time and since it was early early release days (don't ask it is stupid) I had to go pick up the boys!!! After all that I was so tired and so was Lila since it was now past her nap time so I tried to nap w/ her but she got more sleep than I did! Now I was hungry so I did lunch, cheese sticks (all about the comfort foods right now) and homework w/ the boys. Then wake up Lila and figure what to do about the middle school's open house! So Cole stayed home to help his dad out and I took Jesse and Lila to the school. (It is the same school I went to for half of 6th to 8th grade and over the years I was hoping for more since we tried to get into magnet schools and well did not get in I needed it to look great and well it did not) Jesse did like the school and is interested in band. I am happy that the school is not doing what a lot of them are doing, the block schedules. And another plus it is right down the street from us, on nice days we could walk! After the open house it was dinner time and well getting ready for bed time!!! I took a long bath not that it help, my arm hurts from the shot. Boy do I wish I had more time in the day, it really feels like I did nothing today!

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