Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 My Mom has been planing a trip to visit her daughters for some time and she thought what better time than her birthday, not just any birthday her big 5-0!  Yes 50th!  Can't believe she is half way to 100!  Lol!  
 She got to visit us on her actual birthday Tuesday April 17th and we took her out to dinner!

She worked very hard to get Jesse to smile and look you can still get one out of that stubborn 13 year old!  Lol!


One can not for get about Cole!  He needs some camera shots too!  Lol!  At least I have one boy that still smiles ;~)

 Food was good, our belles were full, and we had a great time!
 Can't get much better than this!
Gave her a mini loafs stone to make her breads in and two wisteria plants (which is something she has been missing since she left our lovely state)!

Durning the 2 days she stayed with us we did lots of fun stuff!!!  She dyed my hair for me, painted Lila and I's toe nails (even got us the nail stamper!), and she showed me her Juicer!
 (Lila has butterflies that barely fit her little toe nails and mine have a coral and sea horse!)

The Juicer was a lot of fun!  Lol!  We went to the grocery store to buy lots of fruit-
~1 bag of yellow apples
~2 tubs of strawberries 
~4 mangos
(at least I think that's what she got)
And then we Juiced!  She forgot the catcher for the pulp so it went everywhere!  All over the counter, the bananas, the sugar container, the candy bowl...  even my iPad that was hanging in its mount under the cabinet!  Hahaha!  All in the name of FUN!  And it helps that was tasty!  No sugar was added or need!  I might have to do this my self, it would be a lot better for us than the sugary juices.  My Mom has lost like 10 lbs since she has started juicing, Go Mom!!!

Other things we did...  Oh so fun carpool for the boy's schools, took her to see Lila's preschool, went to the new Target, made her my new favorite cake (Pampered Chef's Lava Cake in the big Stoneware Baker), rented a movie we both wanted to see and watched it!....  We fit in quite a bit into 2 days and 2 nights!  It was so nice having her around and even though it was her vacation and her bday she was still my Mommy and took care of me!  I don't get that every day!!!  Thank you Mom!

She than left to my Sister's house and I was in charge of making her birthday cake for her surprise party.  I have seen the cupcake cakes in the grocery stores and have wondered "How did they do that?"  Well you can find almost anything on the internet and youtube so I used this how to make turtle cupcake cakes on youtube as the basic idea on how to do it.  
 And I am very happy with how it came out!  She did not want her age put on a cake for everyone to see (we had talked about cakes about a month or 2 before she came down), so instead of doing an over the hill cake I wanted to make one the that she would LOVE!  I hope she did, I had to do a cub scout camp out and could not make it to the surprise party which is why I wanted her on her bday.
Here she is at my sister's who lives next to a horse farm.  She LOVES horses so she must have been in heaven there!  Love You Mommy!

And Remember

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