Wednesday, May 12, 2010

failed walk... on a bad day...

Yesterday was a hard one, woke up more tired then when I went to bed.... fought w/ Cole about the fact that he has a little bit of money and wants me to drive him to a store after school to buy something and I think he needs to wait till this weekend!!! Hubby asked me to pick up breakfast for him after I dropped off the kids @ school (this normal doesn't bother me but since I was already in a bad mood).... Then I thought I will take the breakfast change and Lila, Lily, and I could walk to Lowes to get a pack of cheep flowers to plant out front.... But Lila had other plans, she wanted to walk with her "big red car" which I knew that she would ride for a little while and I would then have to drag it the rest of the way!!! And I was right.... we fought about the fact that she brought it and she should push it home, I really could not carrie it and walk the dog and keep her safe... and pulling or pushing it means that I would have to lean over and my back already was hurting. So after 10 minutes or so of begging and yelling and giving a 2 year old ultimates, I gave up and tied the dog to her so that I did not have to lug that stupid car home! My poor puppy!!! So I never did get the flowers!!! Oh well live goes on!!!

And by the end of the day I used that little extra change for note cards for Cole's school project! Then there was the fighting about shower and bed time w/ the boys (well mostly Cole)! So I was so happy to end my day and start fresh on a new one!!!

And today has not been great but it has not been bad ether! I got up on time, put on a nice skirt, some make up to feel good about myself, did not fight w/ Cole this morning, did story time at the book store, did not get much else done but the day is what little over half over! Going to go get the boys from school and well.....

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